Tuesday, December 22, 2009

So this will be my last post til the new year. I am going into a 10 day silent retreat starting tomorrow with both Logan and Russel. I am very excited to drop in with myself and spend time being still. This is a new experience for me and I am sure it will be a challenge to sit in mediation all day, but thank goodness there is a daily yoga practice to break up the long hours of stillness. I will be in spirit with all of you during the holidays and I wish you a beautiful transition into the new year. May we all set aside what no longer serves us and welcome in our dreams! Now is a time to empty our cups so they can fill with the spontaneous magic and aliveness of each moment. Just believe....

1 comment:

  1. I did an 8-day silent retreat in MA in 1981 - Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. I found it was simple to be silent in the silence. We meditated hour after hour, seated or walking. It was held in a former catholic cathedral with lovely gardens for walking. About 75 in the group - and I cherished every moment. We love you.
    Until the new year........
