Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I've had a challenging past couple of days. Turns out the 90 day visa that we bought in the US before comming to Thailand is only a 60 day visa that everyone upon arriving here recieves free. Our current situation is that we have overstayed our visa almost one month and the penalty for that is about 15 dollars a day - ouch. We need to get out of the country ASAP to avoid further penalty but unfortunately we have a yoga exam comming in a few days that we cannot miss. On top of this stress and dissappointment I gave myself a nasty leg burn on our motorcycle muffler -ouch again. I stayed up half the night feeling bitter, icing my leg and listening to Life After Death on my ipod to put everything into perspective.
Today my view has shifted and I honestly feel quite grateful that this is all so minor in terms of what could be happening. I can use this experience as a means of practicing my detachment and surrender to life. What will I allow to distract me from my inner peace and practice? Not this! I choose acceptance and gratitude.


  1. i got one of those lovely leg burns from a motorbike too.

  2. Just say "thank you". Buddhism teaches that everything that happens in life (whether it is something you like or don't like)is for your blessing, so just say "thank you" and move on.
    Sounds like that is what you are doing.
    Vince says there is a great train that goes along the coast to Malaysia - a beautiful ride - if that's where you're headed to rectify your visa.
    Love you, Grandma
